Tuesday, August 18, 2009


*No, people have not stopped being stupid on the roadways, and no, I have not stopped driving for endless hours every week, but I have been a bit busy around the office...so please excuse my recent abscence.

One recent afternoon as I listened to the radio, someone called in to the station...I forget why, but she did. And her name was Dawn. The host asked her what she was up to...at 4:45 pm. She replied that she was going to Macy's to buy makeup. When he asked her where, wouldn't you know that it was the mall I was passing at the very moment I heard this annoyingly broadcasted conversation (one of three malls, I pass during my commute...bring on working on Christmas EVE!!).

Yes. Thank you, Dawn, for leaving your clearly CAREFREE existence of a day to BUY makeup on a weekday afternoon while zillions of other people are TRYING to get home from work.

I have to assume that she had a carefree existence of a day, because if she happened to be a frustrated daily commuter with a glorious day off, why in her right mind would she EVER go out after 3pm or before 9am?

So Dawn either:
1) Works from home
2) Works less than 10 minutes from her home
3) Doesn't work
4) Is stupid

*I'm inclined to believe it's option number four because it can really go with any of the other options; it's versatile like that...but that's just my opinion.

One less car might have been what gave me the hope to carry on.


I suppose I did carry on since I made it home, but still! Once less car might have meant one less cutoff...one less slow driver...one less honker...or, heaven forbid, 5 less seconds on the road.

So take this as a lesson, non-commuters: Maybe if you all just do your "errands" from 10am-2pm...or 7pm-10pm...or 10pm-3am...we might all get a little more peace and rest.